Dr Paul Whittaker completed his undergraduate training at the University of Cape Town Medical School in 1979 and served his internship at Victoria Hospital in Wynberg.
He then worked as a registrar in Anaesthetics from 1981-1982, as a registrar in Traumatology from 1983-1984 and as a registrar in general surgery from 1985-1986, at the University of Frankfurt in Germany.
Registrar training in urology was completed in 1995 at the University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital and he subsequently worked as a consultant urologist at Tygerberg Hospital for three years. Dr Whittaker began private practice at Milnerton Mediclinic, and is part of the renal transplantation team at Chris Barnard Memorial Hospital.
Renal transplantation and donor nephrectomy is one of his areas of expertise.
Percutaneous nephrolithomy, and oncological surgery for prostate, renal and bladder cancer are the other areas of special interest.